PC Gamer (Italian) 42
PC Gamer IT CD 42 2-2.iso
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Text File
164 lines
;* MGA Monitor File for MGA Millennium/Mystique *
; File Revision History
; Version 0.50, Modified December 20,1995. (DC)
; Version 0.60, Modified January 96. (BG)
; (added OEM and PowerDoc monitors)
; Version 0.61, Modified March 96. (BG)
; (added Intergraph monitors, fixed polarities on some
; Vesa 1600 X 1200)
; Version 0.62, Modified March 96 (BG)
; (added IBM monitors)
; Version 0.63, Modified April 96 (BG)
; (modifications to IBM monitors)
; Version 0.63, For PowerDesk 3.0 (i.e. with the ".")
; Added 175MHz monitors for new Monitor sheet
; Version 0.64, Revised Vesa timings
; Version 0.65, Fixed some 24 bpp timings in 1600 and 1280
; Version 0.66, Fixed Vesa timings again
; 1600 X 1200 @70 and 80 Hz are no longer proposed by Vesa,
; but kept here for more flexibility.
; 70Hz uses timings of 65Hz. 80Hz uses timings of 85Hz.
; Version 0.67, Implemented latest VESA proposed
; (version 1.0P revision 0.8P), which restores most of the
; timings to what it was since version 0.50
; Added Hitachi 4921 and EIZO monitors
; Version 0.70, Introduced 175 MHz editions for many monitors:
; "based" editions will be for Mystique.
; Added Philips 21BA and Hitachi 4721 (GG)
; Added "Restrictions" section
; Version 0.71, Added DEC monitors
; Version 0.72, Added Vesa 1280 X 1024 85Hz monitor, for Mystique
; at 157.5 MHz
; Cleaned Compaq and HP monitors.
; Version 0.73 Upgraded a few HP, IIYAMA, Nanao and MAG monitors to
; use Vesa 60Hz instead of non-standard timings at
; 1600 X 1200.
; Version 0.74 Modification to Digital monitor naming
; Version 0.75 Siemens monitor clean-up
; Version 0.76 IBM P201 (additional flavour)
; Version 0.77 H-P monitor clean-up, Magnavox 21BA
; Version 0.80 Mystique now at 170MHz
; Changed multiple occurences philosophy
; Version 0.81 Introduced 1800 X 1440 timings for PowerDoc monitors
; Version 0.82 Added Vesa 1600 X 1200 @85Hz monitor for PowerDOC users
; Version 0.83 Added restriction of 131MHz in 32bpp for Mystique
; Version 0.84 Changed HP monitors 2818A and 2845A
; Added Nanao 550 and various Princeton monitors
; Version 0.85 Added 2 IIYAMA monitor flavours for 175MHz
; Fixed name inconsistencies in the two Hitachi
; PowerDoc monitors.
; Version 0.86 Fixed Vivitron 1776 and 1572FSG problems
; Correction to HP2818A
; Version 0.87 Correction to HP monitors at 1280X1024 60Hz
; Corrected .X8 error in Compaq 140/150 and Hitachi 2199
; Version 0.88 Added Dell monitors
; Added Hitachi CM611,701,751,802,803,804,901
; Added EIZO FX-B5/C5,C6,E7/E8, TX-C7/C7s,D7/D7s
; Added Sony GDM-W900
; Added Smile monitors
; Added Daytec monitors
; New Siemens section
; 640X400 and 512X384 timings for DDraw applications
; Version 0.89 Added more Dell monitors
; Optimized Dell refresh rates
; More 640X400 and 512X384 timings, in the Vesa monitors.
; Modified Nokia 445X timings.
;Version 0.89a Added Europeen model numbers to EIZO Monitor line Added 8
; new Viewsonic monitors (GT770, G800, GT800,G810 PT770, PT775,
; P810, P815)
;Version 0.89b Added Iiyama Vision Master Pro 500, Panasonic 7GX Pro and 5
; new Mitsubishi Monitors
;Version 0.89c Added Highscan MS 17s
;Version 0.89d Changed Hitachi 802 from 1600x1200 75 Hz to 80 Hz (At Their request)
;Version 0.89e Added new CA&G monitor, modified Hitachi CM751 monitor
;* Description of MGA.MON *
; MGA.MON is a text file containg all video parameters used by the various
; MGA monitor utilities. Those utilities read the appropriate information
; from this file based on the monitor selection and generate the
; MGA.INF file which is used by MGA Power Drivers to program the boards
; video registers for any given resolution. The MGA.MON file is divided
; in two sections: Monitor Definitions and Video Parameters. The
; Monitor Definitions section contains settings for resolutions and
; video parameters for different types of monitors. The Video Parameter
; section contains the actual video parameters for each resolution
; supported by MGA with different combinations of vertical and horizontal
; frequencies
;* Syntax for MGA.MON *
; To edit the MGA.MON file for additonal monitors or video parameters,
; follow these rules of syntax
; 1) Blank lines are allowed.
; 2) Comments must be preceeded by the ";" character.
; 3) There is no maximum number of monitors that can be added to MGA.MON.
; 4) The monitor id string must be in brackets with a maximum 52 characters.
; Spaces and non-alphanumeric characters are allowed.
; Example: [Multi-frequency Monitor up to 1280X1024 @90Hz]
; 5) For each monitor, each of the 8 possible resolutions must be defined.
; 6) For each resolution, the first parameter indicates whether that
; resolution is non-interlaced (NI), interlaced (I) or not available (NA).
; Examples:
; --
; 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60Hz ;non-interlaced
; --
; -
; 640X480 = I, *640X480X60Hz ;interlaced
; -
; --
; 640X480 = NA ;not available
; --
; 7) If available, a second parameter indicates the video parameter set to use.
; --------------
; Example: 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz
; --------------
; 8) Video parameter sets are contained in the Video Parameters section.
; The name of the set must be in brackets, and must start with a "*" and
; contain a maximum of 64 char. Spaces and non-alphanumeric characters
; are allowed.
; Example: [*640X480X72Hz]
; 9) For each resolution, it is possible to specify different video
; parameter set for different pixel depths, by using the X8, X16 or X24
; suffix. Example:
; 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X76Hz ; will be used for 8 and 16 bpp
; 1024X768.X24 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz ; will be used for 24 bpp
; 10) For each resolution, PixelTouch zoom factors of 2 and 4 will be
; calculated automatically by the Monitor program using the base video
; parameters. Specific Z2 and Z4 parameters can however be specified.
; if necessary. Only horizontal parameters are affected by specific zoom
; parameters, and should be multiples of 32.
; Examples: 1024X768.Z2 = NI, *1024X768X76HzZ2
; 1024X768.X24.Z4 = NI, *1024X768X60HzZ4
;* Monitor Definitions *
; This section contains monitor definitions used by the MGA monitor programs.
; Each monitor definition has a maximum resolution and vertical frequency
; indicated in its title. The maximum resolution is important for use with
; ModeSWITCH, since Modeswitch starts Windows in the highest resolution
; supported by the selected monitor (before switching to the user's "Mode1").